Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 12, 2011

CityVille Deluxe Warehouse: Everything you need to know

At this point in the CityVille game, you've likely ran out of room to put all your stuff. (Unless you've been expanding to compensate.) Thankfully, Zynga has provided us with a place to store extra houses, businesses, decorations and Community Buildings: The Deluxe Warehouse. This new building will hold up to 24 items when fully upgraded. It might not sound like a lot, but consider the items you're probably going to store. Yeah, it's big, and we have all the details to build it behind the break.

The Deluxe Warehouse Goal:

    Have a warehouse that has been upgraded to 4 staff members.
    Click on your Warehouse to upgrade it to a Deluxe version.
    Store a Residence in your newly upgraded Deluxe Warehouse.

Funny enough, this Goal is also the building requirements for completing the Deluxe Warehouse. Just make sure you have a basic Warehouse with four staff members. Then, just upgrade it to the Deluxe edition and throw a home in there. It's that simple. However, there are a number of things to know about the Deluxe Warehouse before using it.

Deluxe Warehouse Upgrade
Buildings with pending collections will lose that money, XP and whatever else might have been in there if stored in the Deluxe Warehouse. Just remember to collect from buildings before storing them. To use the Deluxe Warehouse directly, find a button in the Tools menu above the Build button. Finally, you're ready to run the Deluxe Warehouse, but here are few more pointers:

Deluxe Warehouse in-gameDeluxe Warehouses can store the following building types:

    Community Buildings

Things you can not store:

    Buildings under construction
    Neighbor Franchises
    Franchise Headquarters
    Storage Buildings
    Water items: piers, docks, boats
    Roads & Sidewalks
    Original city signs (the ones that you start with)

[Source and Image Credit: CityVille Forums]

Check out the rest of our CityVille Cheats & Tips right here.

Have you started building your Deluxe Warehouse? What tips do you have for getting it done quickly?

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